Sickle cell disease and pregnancy. Experience at the Institute of Hematology and Inmunology, Cuba.


  • Carlos Hernández Padrón
  • Dra. María del Loreto Téllez
  • Edgardo Espinosa-Estrada
  • Luis G Ramón Rodríguez
  • Onel M Avila Cabrera
  • Xiomara Pujadas Ríos
  • Olga Agramonte Llanes

Palabras clave:

sickle cell disease, pregnancy and labor


Pregnancy in women with sickle cell disease (SCD) is a high-risk situation associated with increased incidence of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.   In Cuba, the maternal care program includes the primary level and the gestational age at booking is before the 12 week of gestation and all deliveries are institutional. All pregnant women with SCD in La Habana are attended at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology (IHI) by a multidisciplinary team and labor takes place at the obstetrics service of the General Hospital next  to the IHI.  From January 2000 to December 2009,  68 pregnant women with SCD were attended in labor;  the frequency of the visits is every two weeks from gestational age at booking until week 32 of pregnancy and weekly until week 36 when they are hospitalized, in week 38 induction of labor is made.   Patients were hospitalized upon the appearance of any event and in such cases  induction of labor was made in week 36, if fetus was mature.  The fetal well-being was evaluated starting from week 28 and every two weeks until childbirth.  Non prophylactic blood transfusion or prophylactic exchange transfusions were indicated as this depends on the criteria of attending team;  only 16 patients presented alert signs of requiring blood transfusion, 4 requiring blood exchange transfusions.   All these procedures were carried out in the third trimester of pregnancy;   47 patients required caesarea indicated by the obstetrician; 17 newborns were underweight but only one with low apgar score.  Two fetal deaths occurred and one new born had early neonatal death.  Only one maternal death was reported.


Biografía del autor/a

Carlos Hernández Padrón

Especialista de Segundo Grado en Hematología, Profesor e Investigador Auxiliar, Jefe de Servicio Clínica de Adultos, Miembro del consejo Científico, Presidente del CARE, Miembro del Comité del Formulario Nacional de Medicamentos.




Cómo citar

Hernández Padrón C, del Loreto Téllez DM, Espinosa-Estrada E, Ramón Rodríguez LG, Avila Cabrera OM, Pujadas Ríos X, et al. Sickle cell disease and pregnancy. Experience at the Institute of Hematology and Inmunology, Cuba. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [Internet]. 18 de julio de 2012 [citado 11 de enero de 2025];28(4). Disponible en:



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