About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Readers and authors: Professionals and technicians linked to the fields of hematology, immunology, transfusion medicine and regenerative medicine.
Mission: To offer up-to-date information to the increasingly growing number of doctors and other professionals and technicians interested in these specialties and to promote the exchange of scientific information with specialists from other countries.
Periodicity: The "Revista Cuabna de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia" is published quarterly (four issues per year make up one volume) and works under the continuous publication model.
Peer Review Process
The review by the experts helps the Director and the Editorial Board to decide which articles are most appropriate to publish in the journal, while helping the authors and the director to improve the quality of the works that are published.
The articles sent to the “ Revista de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemotarapia” are evaluated by double-blind peers, a process in which neither the reviewer nor the author has any information that allows them to identify themselves; Special care is maintained with the ethical standards established to avoid conflicts of interest.
The journal has the collaboration of external evaluators outside the publishing institution. All proposed manuscripts are sent to external evaluators.
The Editorial Board will carry out a first review to determine the relevance of the topic and if the manuscript conforms to the Publication Regulations. In the event that the article presents methodological deficiencies or does not deal with a topic of interest to the journal, it will be rejected.
Reception and registration of the manuscript is only the initial step of the editorial process for its selection and does not necessarily lead to acceptance for publication. The final decision is exclusively the responsibility of the Editorial Board, which reserves the right to choose the articles to be published, as well as to make style changes respecting the original content. The selection of the material proposed for publication is based on the interest for the majority of professionals, scientific soundness, originality, timeliness, timeliness of the information, seriousness in the treatment of the subject, its writing and compliance with the standards of medical ethics. The article evaluation process is fully automated and the author will be able to receive and exchange with the editorial committee, as well as monitor the evolution of the process, necessarily through the electronic platform (Open Journal System).
The manuscript is sent to two reviewers, who will have four weeks to review it; their conclusions will be evaluated by the editorial committee. In case of discrepancy of opinion between the two reviewers, a third will be appointed.
Each manuscript is reviewed taking into account specific online review guidelines according to the type of article, which can be requested by authors and reviewers. The observations and suggestions of the Editorial Board and the reviewers will be sent to the responsible author, who must respond as soon as possible.
The decision of acceptance, acceptance with modifications or rejection, is communicated by the editor to the author. In case of rejection, the editor sends the results of the evaluation to the contact author with the reviewers' suggestions regarding the improvements that could be applied to the article. If accepted, the article goes to the editorial processing stage.
The maximum time for the publication of an article from its submission, if accepted, is one year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.
Submission of manuscripts, processing and publication does not offer any cost to authors, it is totally free.
In full adherence to the principles of Open Science, the “ Revista de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemotarapia”, urges the authors of original articles to deposit their research databases, tools or other types of material that are not part of the body of the article, on the SciELO Data server (https://data.scielo.org/) or another known server, and that guarantees compliance with the FAIR principles (retrievable/accessible/interoperable and reusable) for research data. This position guarantees total transparency of the investigative process and increases its credibility. The deposited data must be cited as bibliographical references adopting the standard established by the journal.