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Author Guidelines


The purpose of the "Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemotarapia" is to provide updated information to the growing number of physicians and other professionals and technicians, who are interested in these specialties, as well as to promote the exchange of scientific information with specialists from other countries, mainly from Latin America.


The journal is indexed in:
SCOPUS, SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library on Line), LILACS, LATINDEX, Imbiomed, DOAJ, Free Medical Journals, VHL, Cumed, SeCiMed, and Google Scholar.


The articles will be sent exclusively by the Online Management System of the Magazine. (

The magazine publishes only 7 types of articles distributed in the same number of sections:
• Original Articles

• Review Articles
• Case Presentations
• Short Communications
• Letter to the editor
• Editorial
Other types of articles may be included according to the consideration of the Editorial Committee without necessarily having to be indexed in databases.

In case the manuscript is not "unpublished", the authors will be obliged to communicate when it was made public or, instead, where it is available (preprints ...)
Title (in Spanish and English): Must not exceed 15 words. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations; if the names of institutions are used, they must be official and updated.
Authors: Must include the following information: Full names and surnames of all authors . Avoid the initials. Give a professional title, scientific degrees, academic degrees, teaching or research categories, as appropriate. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.


• Only those who meet the criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) will be accepted as authors. See criteria at:

• Each author must provide, on a mandatory basis, his or her  ORCID number. (
• Full name of the institutional affiliation.
• The primary records used for the data if requested by the editors.
 • Declaration that each of the persons mentioned in the Acknowledgements  section authorizes to be mentioned.
• Bibliographic  references: They should be placed in superscript, without parentheses or brackets and after the punctuation mark. This journal complies with the regulations described in the Recommendations for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals (Vancouver Style).



• At the end of the text, and after the Bibliographic References, there must be a list of authoring contributions, regardless of the number of contributors. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to consider, according to the characteristics of the research, the effects of authorship, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.



Figures and Tables: They must be presented in an editable format. NOT TABLES, GRAPHICS AND SCHEMES ARE ACCEPTED AS FIGURES (jpg format). Photographs must be submitted in jpg format (300 dpi). All should have the proper quality and should not exceed 800 pixels wide.

Ethical considerations: The submitted research must comply with all ethical statements for all interventional studies (human or animal). (Declaration of Helsinki)

The article must not contain fragments of texts from previously published works or in the process of publication in magazines or other support without due citation. If they belong to the author, they will be considered self-citations.
Any ethical violation related to the document will be resolved using the protocols established by the International Committee of Ethics in Scientific Publication (COPE). (


• Clinical trials: Clinical trials must carry their due registration number obtained in a Registry of Clinical Trials. This number must be verifiable, so the source will appear. In addition, they must conform to the evaluation parameters expressed in the CONSORT international guide.

Drafting: The document presented must have clarity and consistency of the writing, syntax and spelling. The meaning of the abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used will be described. The use of these should not be excessive, which prevents fluid reading and understanding of work.



Forms of presentation of the manuscripts: The articles will be presented in electronic text format WORD, in Arial 12 font and 1.5 spaced. Compressed files are not supported in any format.



Copyright: This journal is available in Open Access without restrictions, complying with the international policy on open access to information. The contents that are exposed here can be used, without commercial purposes, as long as reference is made to the primary source.


• Conflict of interest: the authors must declare compulsorily the presence or not of conflicts of interest in relation to the research presented.

• Abbreviations and acronyms. They will precede your full name the first time they appear in the text. They will not appear in titles or summaries. The ones of international use will be used.

• International System of Units (SI). All laboratory results and other measurements will be reported in SI units or allowed by it. If you want to add the traditional units, they will be written in parentheses. Example: glycemia: 5.55 mmol / L (100 mg / 100 mL).

•  Publications in this journal are free of charge (APC).
The Cuban Journal of Hematology, Immunology and Hemotherapy is under a Creative Commons 4.0 License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Non-Commercial Attribution--Share Equal 4.0 International

I- Original research manuscripts
Their extension will not exceed 4 500 words, including bibliographic references. They can include up to 5 illustrations (between figures and tables).
At the end of the text, and after the Bibliographic References, a list of authoring contributions must be included, regardless of the number of contributors. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to consider, according to the characteristics of the research, the effects of authorship, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.


•  Pedro González Pérez: performed statistical processing.
María Rodríguez Morales: selected the study sample.
Alberto Pérez Gómez: developed the measurement tool.

It must correspond to the topic of the article and be concise, understandable and informative. It should not exceed 15 words. It should be written in Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations. If names of institutions are used, they must be official and updated.


It should be structured by sections. In this case, the following structure must be followed: Introduction-Objectives-Methods-Results-Conclusions.
It has a maximum limit of 250 words. It offers an adequate idea of what the work is about. It is written in past tense. It must be sent in Spanish and English (abstract).

They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. There must be at least 3 key words or phrases. It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences)


It presents brief, clear and appropriate information. It includes the foundation of the scientific problem and describes with clarity the objective (s) of the work in the form of a paragraph at the end of the epigraph.
It defines the type of research or study, period and place. And  the study population or group, as well as inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria. It also describes the criteria and justification for the selection of the sample if required.

The analyzed variables must be clearly described. The methods of information collection and processing and analysis that were used should be clearly exposed. The statistical method must be appropriate according to the type of study. It must comply with the principle of enabling be reproduced by other researchers. It declares the particular ethical aspects for the study.

The exhibition should be in accordance with the objectives of the work.  There should be an appropriate use of the statisticians (when required). Figures and tables should  highlight the relevant results without incurring repetitions of information between them. A maximum of 5 are allowed including  tables, figures or statistical graphs.
Perform a critical analysis of the results of the study in light of the works published by other researchers in the national and international area. Explain the scope and limitations of the results achieved. Describe the possible applicability and generalization of the results.
They must have an adequate degree of generalization. They respond to the objectives of the study and are in correspondence with the results and the discussion. Do not repeat results. They will be written in paragraph form at the end of the discussion.


They must be the necessary and well-circumscribed (in superscript, in parentheses and after the punctuation mark). At a minimum, it must contain 50% of works published in the last five years.
The relevant national and international literature on the subject must be represented.
The title of the table must correspond appropriately with its content. The information they present must justify their existence. Do not repeat information already indicated in the text.
Only those that are necessary and pertinent will be presented. The footnotes of figures must correspond appropriately with these. They will not be greater than 1 Mb each.
They must be editable, that is, the editor must be able to work within them without having to redo them if changes are required. They will not be greater than 500 kb each.


 Other Aspects
The presentation of the publication proposal must have an adequate quality in terms of writing and spelling, and comply with the ethical principles of research.
Items that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.

II- Review articles
Its extension will not exceed 5,000 words, without including the bibliographic references. It can include up to 5 illustrations (between figures and tables).
It will not exceed 3 authors.
At the end of the text, after the Bibliographic References, there must be a list of authorship contributions, regardless of the number of contributors. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to consider, according to the characteristics of the research, the effects of authorship, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.


It must correspond directly with the subject of the article. It must be concise, understandable and informative. It should not exceed 15 words. In Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations.


It should be structured by sections, in this case it must comply with the following structure: Introduction-Objective-Methods-Conclusions.

It offers an adequate idea of what the work is about. It has a maximum limit of 250 words and be written in Spanish and English (Abstract).


They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. It should have at least 3 key words or phrases. It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences)


It should present brief, clear and appropriate information with its bibliographical foundation. It must be a topic of importance and relevance for science. It should base the scientific problem that originates the review and clearly describe the objectives of the work.

It includes the criterion and justification of the selection of the sources consulted, the search engines used, and the period that is taken for the review.

It includes the exhibition in accordance with the objectives of the work, the figures and tables that highlight the relevant aspects without incurring repetitions of information and the interpretation of the results indicated in the literature consulted. It contrasts the differences and coincidences of the studies analyzed. It makes a critique of the results of the study in light of the works published by other researchers. It describes the possible applicability and generalization of the results and includes new aspects to consider (if necessary). It  should point out or highlight the limitations or contributions of the review.
They respond to the objectives of the review. They must be generalizing, clear, concrete and relevant. They will be written in paragraph form at the end of the discussion.


They must be the necessary and well-arranged (in in superscript, in parentheses and after the punctuation mark). At a minimum, it must contain 50% of works published in the last five years.
The relevant national and international literature on the subject must be represented.

Other Aspects

The presentation of the publication proposal must have an adequate quality in terms of writing and spelling, and comply with the ethical principles of research.

Items that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.
III- Case Presentations
Its extension will not exceed 3,000 words, including bibliographic references. It will not exceed the 6 authors. It can include up to 3 illustrations (between figures and tables).
At the end of the text, and after the Bibliographic References, a list of authoring contributions must be included, regardless of the number of contributors. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to consider, according to the characteristics of the research, the effects of authorship, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.
It must correspond to the topic of the article. It should be concise, understandable and informative. It should not exceed 15 words and should be written in Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations. If names of institutions are used, they must be official and updated.
It is structured by sections, in this case you must follow the following structure: Introduction-Objective of the presentation of the case-Presentation of the case -Conclusions. It should offer an adequate idea of what the subject is about and indicate the reasons for presenting the case. It synthesizes the clinical case appropriately and must have a limit of 250 words. It is written both in Spanish and English (Abstract).
They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. They must declare from 6 to 10 words or key phrases. It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences)

It should present the brief, clear and appropriate background and describe the objective and the reasons why the presentation of the case.

It should properly describe the background (family inheritance, personal pathological, non-pathological, etc.) related to the case and indicate the beginning, evolution and current status of the condition. It should summarize the main clinical, laboratory and imaging findings, highlighting those that make the picture a peculiar case. It should indicate the treatment used. Indicate the evolution of the case.

It analyzes and compares the main findings with those of other cases reported. It indicates the pathology / physiopathology and its meaning and describes the difficulty in establishing the diagnosis or treatment of the case presented. It discusses differential diagnoses and analyzes the theories or hypotheses about the implications of the findings, as well as other aspects of interest.
The conclusions must be clear and justify the presentation of the case. They will be written in paragraph form at the end of the discussion.

They must be the necessary and well-arranged (in superscript, in parentheses and after the punctuation mark). At least, it must contain 50% of works published in the last five years.
The relevant national and international literature on the subject must be represented.

Tables and Figures
They must have a good quality, be necessary, relevant and editable. They should not repeat information already indicated in the text. They should protect the patient's identity and abide by bioethical principles. The description of the figure must be adequate. The footnotes  must correspond with the figures. They should describe the meaning of the abbreviations or symbols used.
Items that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.

IV- Brief Communications
Its extension will not exceed 3,000 words, including bibliographic references. It will not exceed 3 authors. It can include up to 3 illustrations (between figures and tables).
At the end of the text, and after the Bibliographic References, a list of authoring contributions must be included, regardless of the number of contributors. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to consider, according to the characteristics of the research, the effects of authorship, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.

They are notifications of interest that are taxed to works that constitute partial or final results of an investigation whose rapid disclosure is considered important. They will be structured in a similar way to the Original Articles, although it may vary according to the type of information, but they must have a basic order: Introduction (objectives) -Development-Conclusions.


It must correspond to the topic of the article. It must be concise, understandable and informative. It should not exceed 15 words. It should appear In Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations. If names of institutions are used, they must be official and updated.


It must be not structured but complying with the general rules of information in relation to the structure. It must contain the objective and conclusions. Your limit should not exceed 200 words. It should be written In Spanish and English (Abstract).

They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. There must be at least 3 key words or phrases. It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences)

They must be the necessary and well arranged (in superscript, in parentheses or brackets and after the punctuation mark). At a minimum, it must contain 50% of works published in the last five years.
The relevant national and international literature on the subject must be represented.
Tables and Figures
They must have a good quality, be necessary, relevant and editable. They should not repeat information already indicated in the text. They should protect the patient's identity and abide by bioethical principles. The description of the figure must be adequate. The feet must correspond with the figures. Describe the meaning of the abbreviations or symbols used.
The manuscripts that do not comply with these conditions will be rejected immediately.


V- Letters to the editor
This section will publish opinions, messages and comments about works published in the journal or on a topic of national and international relevance. In the case of a commentary on an article published in the magazine, the title, volume and number where it was published must be specified.
They must comply with the ethical principles of scientific publication to be published.
They should not exceed 1,000 words, including bibliographic references. It will not exceed 3 authors. You can include up to an illustration (figure or table).


They must be the necessary and well arranged (in superscript, in parentheses and after the punctuation mark). At a minimum, it must contain 50% of works published in the last five years..

Manuscripts that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.


VI- Editorials
Express positions or criteria directly related to a topic to be addressed by the journal or circumstantial scientific situation. They will be commissioned by the editorial committee.
Its extension will not exceed 1 500 words, including bibliographic references that will be limited according to the standards adopted in the journal.

All articles will be subjected to a double blind "peer" review process. The evaluators will not receive absolutely any data identifying the origin of the article. The authors also do not receive a reference about who evaluates their manuscript. The evaluation period will not exceed 90 days. In this term the authors should be informed about the editorial decision.
If for any reason the author does not wish to publish his article, he must communicate it in writing to the journal's contact in order to avoid an ethical conflict.


General aspects about bibliographical references.
They will be numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text and they must be identified by by Arabic numerals  in an exponential form within the text itself, after the punctuation mark and without parentheses or brackets.
Citations of relevant and updated published documents will be included. The mention of personal communications and unpublished documents should be avoided; They will only be mentioned in the text in parentheses, if necessary.
50% of the bibliographic references must correspond in actuality to what has been published on the subject in the last 5 years.
All the authors of the cited text will be related; If you have 7 or more authors, the first 6 will be mentioned, followed by "et al." The titles of the journals will be abbreviated by the Index Medicus (List of journals indexed in Index Medicus). No element will be highlighted with capitalization or underlining. The ordering of the bibliographic elements and the use of the punctuation marks prescribed by the Vancouver style will be observed.
Below are examples of some of the main cases:

2. Author. Title. Abbreviated journal name [support type] year [access date]; Volume (number): pages or extension indicator. Available in:
Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus infection associated infusion therapy for hemophilia. MMWR [series on the Internet]. 1997 July 4 [cited 11 Jan 2001]; 46 (26). Available at:

1. Author / s. Article title. International abbreviation of the year magazine; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.
Ten Jarrilla JL, Cienfuegos Vázquez M, Suárez Salvador E. Respiratory adventitious noises: confounding factors. Med Clin (Barc) 1997; 109 (16): 632-4.

3. Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year.
Jiménez C, Riaño D, Moreno E, Jabbour N. Advances in abdominal organ transplantation. Madrid: Cuadecon; 1997
The first edition does not need to be consigned. The edition is always put in Arabic numerals and abbreviation: 2nd ed. 2nd ed. If the work is composed of more than one volume, it should be cited after the title of the book Vol. 3.

4. Author / s of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: Director / Coordinator / Literary Editor of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Initial page of the chapter-final page of the chapter.

Rader DJ, Hobbs HH. Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism. In: Barnes PJ. Longo DL, Fauci AS, et al, editors. Harrison principles of internal medicine. Vol 2. 18aed. Mexico: McGraw-Hill; 2012. p. 3145-61.


5. Author / s. Title [Internet]. Name of the site; year [date cited]. Available at: URL.
Pérez Pacheco Y, Peraza Rodríguez G. Fruit consumption in the diabetic patient's diet. Antidiabetic Center of Cuba; 2013 [March 25, 2014]. Available at:

To facilitate the elaboration of the bibliographic references, the authors are directed to consult the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.

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