Introduction: Acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage constitute a heterogeneous group of acute leukemias that do not show clear evidence of differentiation along cell lineage. The definitive diagnosis is made exclusively based on immunophenotypic characteristics, with the use of multiparametric flow cytometry. Objective: To update the diagnostic criteria, classification, as well as the clinical and therapeutic management of acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage. Methods: A search for scientific information related to the subject was carried out in clinical hematology textbooks and in articles published through PUBMED in the last ten years. An analysis and summary of the revised bibliography was carried out. Information analysis and synthesis: The morphological characteristics of the leukemic cells from patients with acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage do not show uniformity. Blasts of different sizes and stages of maturation can be found simultaneously. These may appear as lymphoid, myeloid, undifferentiated, or mixed. Conclusion: Acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage constitute a high-risk subgroup, with unfavorable prognosis and poor overall patient survival. Its timely report is essential to gather criteria for making therapeutic decisions in this group of patients.
congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I, CDAN1 and C15orf41 genesAbstract
Introduction: Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias belong to a group of hereditary disorders characterized by refractory anemia, ineffective erythropoiesis and morphological alterations of erythroblasts. Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I is the most frequent; however, it is a rare disease with morphological and molecular characteristics.
Objective: To analyze the most updated aspects regarding molecular pathogenesis, genetic
diagnosis and treatment of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I.
Methods: A review of the literature in English and Spanish was carried out. Search engines such as Google Scholar and Pubmed were used, which allowed access to updated articles on the subject. An analysis and summary of the revised bibliography was carried out.
Information analysis and synthesis: Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I is an
autosomal recessive hereditary disease. It is characterized by anemia of variable degree,
reticulocytopenia, morphological alterations of the red series in the peripheral lamina, and high number of binucleated erythroblasts connected by internuclear bridges in the bone marrow aspirate. Multiple molecular alterations have been identified, mainly involving the CDAN1 and C15orf41 genes. The proteins encoded by these genes participate in vital processes, such as the cell cycle, DNA repair, and RNA transcription.
Conclusions: The study of the molecular bases of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I has changed the perspective concerning the diagnosis of this disease. Treatment protocols are similar to other hereditary hemolytic anemias, although the use of Interferon-α stands out.
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