Ethics in the field of regenerative medicine research
stem cell, regenerative medicine, ethicsAbstract
Introduction: regenerative medicine is based on the replacement or regeneration of human cells, tissues or organs in order to restore normal function; it is a therapy based on stem cell treatment. Therapeutic strategies based on cell therapy allow their use in different diseases that do not resolve or take longer to resolve by conventional medical treatments.
Objectives: to address ethical aspects of research those contribute to cognitive and ethical reflection of science in the field of regenerative medicine research.
Methods: A review was carried out that considered original and experimental articles published in the last decade, in some databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) of Cuba. The descriptors of the Medical Subject Headings and Descriptors in Health Sciences were used.
Analysis and synthesis of the information: Applications and generalities related to stem cells and advances in regenerative medicine are summarized, as well as procedures and treatments with stem cells for different diseases with the application of knowledge aimed at the social benefit of the human being.
Conclusions: the importance of an ethical posture in regenerative medicine was pointed out for the adequate assessment of the advances in the treatment of various diseases, the impact of the acquisition of new knowledge, as well as a more responsible attitude and the development of social values that they are part of humanity.
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