Blood groups in the susceptibility and severity of COVID-19
blood groups, covid19, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, severe.Abstract
Introduction: Since the discovery of the ABO Blood Group System by Karl Landstainer in 1900, interest has remained in the potential role in disease. Differences in the expression of a blood group antigen can increase or decrease the host's susceptibility to different infections, due to its diverse functions in cell biology.
Objective: To identify the relationships of blood groups in susceptibility to infection, risk of severe disease and death from COVID-19 described in the literature.
Methods: A literature review in English and Spanish was carried out, through the PubMed website and the academic search engine Google, of published articles. The SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19/ BLOOD GROUPS/CORONAVIRUS/SEVERE descriptors were used for the search. An analysis, summary and discussion of the revised bibliography were made.
Analysis and synthesis of information: The epidemiological evidences of more than 30 studies at the international level, even with a wide diversity of designs and inclusion criteria, mostly agree on a lower risk of illness and aggravation of individuals in group O and a higher relative risk of non-groups O, especially those of group A. Various theories that explain the possible relationships of blood group systems, especially ABO, in the pathogenesis of COVID 19.
Conclusions: The epidemiological association between the susceptibility and severity of COVID-19 and the ABO blood group system indicates a pathogenic and clinical course that is probably useful for medical practice.
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