Adverse events in transfusion practice: immune hemolytic transfusion reaction
hemolysis, immune hemolytic transfusion reaction, acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction.Abstract
Introduction: Immunological transfusion hemolytic reactions occur due to incompatibility of the patient with the donor's erythrocytes or plasma and are divided into immediate and delayed hemolytic reactions. Objective: To explain the physiopathogenic mechanisms, the diagnosis, management and treatment of the immune hemolytic transfusion reaction.Method: A literature review was carried out, in English and Spanish, through the PubMed website and the academic Google search engine of articles published in the last 10 years on the subject.Analysis and synthesis of information: Immunological transfusional hemolytic reactions are divided into acute or immediate and delayed or late. The severity depends mainly on the type and amount of antigens, alloantibodies, ability to activate the complement system and mononuclear phagocytic system. Advances in understanding the pathophysiology of this reaction help to clinically evaluate patients and treat them effectively. It is likely that when red blood cell modification and the use of substitutes are achieved, it will significantly change transfusion practice in the future and eliminate the occurrence of these reactions.Conclusion: Immunological transfusion hemolytic reactions are undoubtedly very serious, but they are perfectly avoidable by complying with the standards of good practice of blood banks and transfusion services. The progress in understanding the pathophysiology of this reaction contributes to a better clinical evaluation and an effective treatment.Published
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