Hepatic evaluation in patients with promyelocytic leukemia treated with the LPM-TOA protocol
promyelocytic leukemia, arsenic trioxide, LPM-TOA protocol, Ritis index, liver damage.Abstract
Introduction: With the LPM-TOA protocol for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia, excellent results are obtained, overall survival is prolonged and the patients are cured, in the induction to remission two drugs are used, an anthracycline and arsenic trioxide, and in consolidation the patients again receive a high dose of arsenic.
Objective: To assess late liver toxicity in patients with promyelocytic leukemia treated according to the PML-TOA protocol.
Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out that included 20 patients treated with this protocol, all with more than two years of having suspended treatment. The clinical histories were reviewed and by means of the initial and evolutionary values of liver enzymes, the initial and evolutionary liver function was evaluated and the Ritis index was determined to predict evolution to chronicity if there is liver damage.
Results: Men and women presented with the same frequency and the mean age for males was 36.39 and for females it was 39, with a standard deviation of ± 14.02 and ± 9.43 respectively. The most frequent morphological variety was hypergranular, the average Ritis index was only 1.006 with a standard deviation of 0.745.
Conclusions: There was no clinical or enzymatic evidence of late liver toxicity in the patients studied.
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