Sickle cell disease and family planning
sickle cell disease, family planning, pregnancy, pregnant woman.Abstract
Introduction: Family planning in pregnant women with sickle cell disease contributes to reducing the number of pregnancies and maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To analyze family planning concepts applicable to pregnant women with sickle cell disease and propose counseling actions aimed at reducing the indicators of maternal fetal morbidity and mortality related to this disease.
Methods: A literature review was carried out, in English and Spanish, through the Pubmed website and the academic Google search engine of articles published in the last 5 years, with analysis and summary of the reviewed bibliography.
Analysis and synthesis of information: The vast majority of patients with sickle cell disease are unaware of the concepts of sexual and reproductive health as well as FP, so many become women with multiple pregnancies that end in abortions, with a high risk of complications severe and 2.5 times more likely to die during pregnancy and the puerperium than a non-ill pregnant woman. The application of a group of measures aimed at making these concepts known from the hematology consultation, brings these patients and their partner closer to making the correct decision about when and how many children to have.
Conclusion: Family planning as a medical care process in sickle cell disease, with direct participation of the hematologist, as primary care physician throughout the life of these pregnant women, contributes to strengthening the relationship between the work of the healthcare team, the couple and decreases morbidity and fetal maternal mortality.
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