Circulating tumor cells in a patient with clinical suspicious of multiple myeloma
carcinocythemia, circulating tumor cells, breast tumor, immunohistochemical.Abstract
Introduction: The circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood, known as carcinocythemia is a rare and poorly documented phenomenon, that can be a challenge diagnosis.
Objectives: To describe the most frequents causes of carcinocythemia, the diagnosis challenges that it represents and to contribute raising awareness of this entity.
Case presentation: Female patient, 71-year-old who complained bone pain and skin pale. The peripheral blood smear showed big size cells mimicking plasma cells. The immunophenotype by flow cytometry suggested IgM isotype multiple myeloma. Breast ultrasound and thorax tomography showed a tumor in the left breast. The bone marrow biopsy immunohistochemical was compatible with adenocarcinoma of breast. The patient died short after before receive specific treatment.
Conclusions: We present a patient with circulating tumor cells secondary to breast adenocarcinoma where the bone marrow biopsy immunohistochemical ruled out multiple myeloma diagnosis suspected by clinical, image studies, cell morphology and immunophenotype.
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