Anti-Chido/Rodgers antibodies in a patient with infectious disease
Chido/Rodgers antibodies, alloimmunization, indirect antiglobulin test, infectious diseases.Abstract
Introduction: Red cell alloimmunization is an immune response against foreign red cell antigens, usually occurring due to sensibilization in blood transfusions and pregnancies. The Chido (Ch) and Rodgers (Rg) antigens are present in about 96-98% of the population in general. Patients who have antibodies against antigens of high frequency in the population are a problem for transfusion medicine.
Objectives: To describe the case of a patient diagnosed with AIDS and invasive cancer of the rectum with a recent hospitalization for lower gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia with the presence of anti-Ch and anti-Rg and the difficulties and solutions found for handling the case.
Case presentation: Anti-Ch and anti-Rg have not been found to cause a hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) or hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). However, the clinical presentation and laboratory findings including the immunohematological workups concerning the reaction are discussed, with a special emphasis on the benefit of identifying such an antibody and providing a compatible blood unit for transfusion support of the patient.
Conclusions: When an antibody against a high-frequency erythrocyte antigen is identified in African or American-descent, anti-Ch or anti-Rg should be considered and that transfusion tests should not be delayed due to its clinical importance.
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