Hemophilic pseudotumor secondary to an open fracture of the tibia
hemophilia, pseudotumor, bleeding episodes, hematoma.Abstract
Introduction: Hemophilic pseudotumor consists of an encapsulated hematoma with progressive growth, due to repeated bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia.
Objective: To evaluate the recovery of a patient with a complex and rare injury that already caused limitations to his daily life.
Case presentation: 36-year-old male patient with a personal pathological history of severe hemophilia A, who presented an increase in volume in the right leg after a trauma that he suffered at that level. As time went by, he began to present an increase in volume in the distal middle region of his right leg for more than 10 years, which progressed considerably in the last 3 years, requiring surgical treatment.
Conclusions: The complexity of the patient is not only given by the condition in the medial region of the tibia, but by the underlying disease shows that a diagnosis as accurate and early as possible is required, to adopt an adequate and rapid behavior.
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