Is it important to know the type of BCR-ABL transcript in chronic myeloid leukemia?
BCR-ABL transcripts, chronic myeloid leukemia, Philadelphia chromosome.Abstract
Chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by the occurrence of a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22; which gives rise to a derivative chromosome 22 known as Philadelphia. At the binding site, the BCR-ABL fusion gene is formed, which leads to the synthesis of a hybrid protein with oncogenic properties. The binding site between chromosomes 9 and 22 is variable and gives rise to different transcripts; those known as e13a2 and e14a2 are the most frequent and studied. The analysis of the clinical-hematological characteristics of presentation and the response to treatment among patients with e13a2 or e14a2 has revealed differences that may be useful for the prediction of prognosis. To describe the different characteristics reported for one or another transcript and to know if it is important to know the type of transcript in the CML. A review of the scientific literature was carried out through PUBMED. The information was analyzed and summarized. Different presentation characteristics are evident but there is no coincidence between all the authors. Regarding the behavior of the response to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, some authors find differences and some suggest that it may be two different entities. It may be important to know the type of BCR-ABL transcript in CML cause, at least between the two most frequent, there are differences that may be useful in predicting the prognosis for the patient as well as for the management of treatment.
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