Therapeutic adherence in hemophilia, linguistic adaptation of the VERITAS-Pro to the Mexican population



hemophilia, psychometrics, treatment adherence and compliance, mental health


Introduction: Hemophilia is a hemorrhagic disease characterized by the deficiency of either coagulation factor VIII or IX. Nowadays, the gold standard in treatment is the periodic application of the factor (prophylaxis), so it is indispensable to have specialized, standardized and valid instruments to evaluate the degree of adherence to treatment.

Objective: To adapt linguistically and culturally to the Mexican population the Validated Hemophilia Regimen Treatment Adherence Scale-Prophylaxis (VERITAS-Pro).

Methods: The VERITAS-Pro scale was translated into Mexican Spanish, adapted, and re-translated into the original language. The conceptual equivalence of the versions was compared by the original author, subsequently, it was under scrutiny the clarity and relevance of the adapted version by a group of experts in the treatment of people with hemophilia, the degree of agreement between the judges was evaluated with the Aiken statistician.

Results: The original and adapted versions of the test, show an adequate conceptual equivalence, judges were rated adequate clarity (V=0.93, IC10%=0.92-0.95) and relevance (V=0.89, CI10%=0.86-0.91) of the items.

Conclusion: The scale Veritas-Pro, the Mexican Spanish version, is a valid tool to assess the levels of adherence to the prophylaxis in hemophilia.




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How to Cite

Prado Romero C, Osorio Guzmán M. Therapeutic adherence in hemophilia, linguistic adaptation of the VERITAS-Pro to the Mexican population. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];38(2). Available from:



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