Fusion transcripts of the PML/RARα gene in patients with promyelocytic leukemia
promyelocytic leukemia, fusion transcripts, PML/RARα.Abstract
Introduction: Promyelocytic leukemia is considered a well-defined entity due to its peculiar clinical, morphological, cytogenetic and molecular characteristics. The discovery of the oncogenetic mechanisms involved in the genesis of the disease makes this variant of leukemia one of the most relevant models for translational research.Objective: To characterize the fusion transcripts of the PML/RARα gene in patients with promyelocytic leukemia.Methods: An observational, ambispective, descriptive, longitudinal investigation was carried out in patients diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology, between January 2001 and December 2020. The sample consisted of 105 patients who met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion.Results: There is no relationship between the transcripts and age, sex, skin color and clinical characteristics. The presence of the bcr3 fusion transcript was associated with higher hemoglobin levels and lower platelet counts. The incidence of relapse was not related to fusion transcripts and their influence on overall survival in patients with promyelocytic leukemia was not proven.Conclusions: The fusion transcripts´scharacteristicsof the PML/RARα gene are similar to international reports, especially from populations of Latin origin.
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