Research skills of nursing graduates at the Institute of Hematology and Inmunology
investigative skills-nursing, professional performance.Abstract
Introduction: Characterization of investigative skills in the professional performance of Nursing graduates Introduction: the development of investigative skills is a necessity for nursing professionals, since it allows them to provide solutions to problems that arise in the workplace from a scientific conception and transform reality effectively.
Objective: To characterize the development of research skills of nursing graduates.
Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology of Havana, from September 1st to December 30th, 2021. A survey was applied to 30 nursing graduates and an observation was made through a guide of 12 written reports. Descriptive statistics, absolute and relative frequency distribution, and percentage calculation were used.
Results: There was low participation as a speaker in scientific events, little incorporation in institutional projects and articles published in scientific journals. In the written reports, the problems observed were: the elaboration of the objectives, the operationalization of the variables, the determination of research methods and techniques, the analysis of the results obtained and the bibliographical references, which shows an insufficient mastery of the research methodology.
Conclusions: In the diagnosis made, the insufficiencies in the development of the investigative skills of nursing graduates were characterized, based on new strategies, a set of overcoming actions were initiated to give continuity to the development of Nursing research.
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