Compliance with the restrictive transfusional policy at the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery 2019-2021



transfusion, restrictive transfusion policy, hematocrit/hemoglobin values, cardiovascular disease.


Introduction: At the beginning of the 21st century, the blood deficit and transfusion risks determined the adoption of a restrictive transfusion policy, with hemoglobin levels between 70 and 100 g/L for cardiovascular patients in the world. In the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, this policy was adopted for which it is necessary to control compliance, to make a rational and safe use of this resource.

Objective: Evaluate compliance with the restrictive transfusion policy of the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery between 2019 and 2021.

Method: An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out by reviewing the records of transfused patients and transfusion orders, which allowed reaching results.

Results: 5 408 hem components were transfused, 64,1 % were packed erythrocytes. The services with the highest consumption were the post-surgical intensive care unit 53,2 %, the operating room 22,8 % and the emergency intensive care unit 10,8 %. The mean of the hematocrit/hemoglobin values of the transfused patients was 0,24/79,2 g/L, lower 0,22/72,6 g/L for those operated on for severe heart valve disease. 95,9% of the transfusion orders met the regulatory requirements. The main problem was the omission of transfusion history.

Conclusion: The restrictive transfusion policy was complied with. The mean hematocrit/hemoglobin values were lower than those recommended for cardiovascular patients in The Cuban guidelines. The quality of the transfusion orders was adequate.


Author Biographies

Mario Israel Salgado Martínez, Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular. La Habana

Jefe Sección Hemoterapia Profesor Asistente Especialista de primer grado en Hematología

Loraine Santiago León, Hospital Pediátrico Docente “Juan Manuel Márquez”. La Habana

Hematóloga. Servicio Onco-hematología. Profesor Instructor. Especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral y Hematología



How to Cite

Salgado Martínez MI, Santiago León L. Compliance with the restrictive transfusional policy at the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery 2019-2021. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];38(4). Available from:



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