Predictive score of death for Cuban pediatric patients with acute lymphoid leukemia in organ dysfunction
organ insufficiencies, acute lymphoid leukemia, mortality, predictive model, clinical diagnosis.Abstract
Introduction: Scale systems are designed to quantify clinical data that are difficult to summarize by subjective means, they are classified based on a specific disease or condition and thus allow the patient's prognosis to be predicted based on clinical diagnosis.
Objectives: To design a death predictive scale for Cuban pediatric patients with acute lymphoid leukemia in organ dysfunction.
Methods: An observational, longitudinal, prospective and analytical multicenter study was carried out with 246 patients and 326 admissions with a diagnosis of acute lymphoid leukemia in organ dysfunction. Univariate analysis was performed to compare the distribution of the variables between survivors and non-survivors patients. Different binary logistic regression models were tested to select the final model.
Results: The Linfocrit scale score was higher in non-survivors (p < 0.001) and mortality increased progressively in patients with the highest scores. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that the area under the curve (AUC) for the prediction of mortality with the Linfocrit score was 0.92.
Conclusions: The Linfocrit scale proved to be useful to establish the criteria for organ dysfunction and its specificity in the risk of mortality in critically ill Cuban pediatric patients diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukemia.
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