Immunophenotype by flow cytometry in a patient with mycosis fungoide
inmunofenotipo, micosis fungoide, citometría de flujo, linfoma de células TAbstract
Introduction: Mycosis fungoides is the most frequent cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. It mainly affects the skin and extracutaneous dissemination can only occur in advanced stages and mainly to the lymph nodes, liver, spleen and blood. Currently, the flow cytometry technique is very useful in the immunophenotypic characterization of this entity.
Objective: To study the immunophenotype of an adult patient with suggestive diagnostic of mycosis fungoides evaluated at Institute of Hematology and Immunology, Havana, Cuba.
Methods: A peripheral blood sample was analyzed for the flow cytometry from a patient with clinical and histopathological suspicion of mycosis fungoides. Monoclonal antibodies directed against T-lymphoid differentiation antigens were used. The reading was performed in a GALLIOS, Beckman Coulter cytometer and the data obtained were analyzed using the Kaluza computer program.
Results: The antigens with positive expression were CD5 (53.38%), CD3 (55.73%), as well as the coexpression of CD3+/CD8+ (26.07%), CD3+/CD4+ (60.81%), CD45RO+ /CD27+ (60.95%), CD3+/TCR-αβ (90.33%). There was absence of the expression of the markers CD2, CD7, CD25, CD30 and CD103.
Conclusions: The immunophenotype contributes to the understanding of the clinical aspects, prognosis and progression of the disease, which contributes to an adequate treatment of these patients.
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