Efficacy of fibrin rich in platelets and leukocytes in the burned patient
platelet-rich fibrin, burns, efficacy, granulation tissue, wound healingAbstract
Introduction: Fibrin rich in platelets and leukocytes is a platelet concentrate that constitutes a solid high-density fibrin biomaterial. It does not require exogenous activation for platelet degranulation.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of fibrin rich in platelets and leukocytes in the burned patient.
Methods: Randomized experimental study in patients with hypodermic burns, at the Caumatology Service of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital, from February 2022 to January 2023. A sample of 60 patients was divided into two treatment groups, 30 patients each: experimental group and conventional group. To evaluate efficacy, the response variables were used: appearance of useful granulation tissue, healing time, and final result.
Results: Appearance of granulation tissue occurred in the experimental group 6 days after the necrectomy and fibrin application, mean 5.93 and standard deviation 1.680. Iin the conventional group, it occurred on day 33, mean 33.40 and standard deviation 12.773. The Mann-Whitney U test rejects the equality of group means. The healing time was 15.37 days in the experimental group and in the conventional group, 45.43 days. 61.7% (37/60) of the patients showed good graft engraftment. Non-grasping was higher in the conventional group, 15.0%.
Conclusions: Fibrin rich in platelets and leukocytes was effective for the biostimulation of cells in hypodermic burns.
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