Treatment results of the ALL-IC BFM 2009 protocol in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
leucemia linfoblástica aguda, protocolo ALL-IC BFM 2009, supervivenciaAbstract
Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a clonal lymphoproliferative disorder that mainly compromises the bone marrow and manifests itself through different degrees of marrow failure, extramedullary infiltration and it constitutes an important public health problem.
Objective: To evaluate the results of the ALL-IC BFM 2009 protocol in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Methods: An descriptive, longitudinal, ambispective investigation was carried out in the Institute of Hematology and Immunology, between January 2012 and December 2020. The universe consisted of 94 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: A predominance of patients between 1-6 years of age (59.6%), white (86.2%) and male (56.4%) was observed. The most presented phenotype was B. The presence of t(12;21)/ ETV6/RUNX1 predominated for 19.1%. Intermediate-risk patients prevailed (48.9%), with negative CNS status (88.3%), with a good response to prednisone (87.2%) and who obtained remission after induction (92, 6%). Overall survival was 73% at 5 years, being higher for intermediate-risk patients (p= 0.004). Disease-free survival was 68% at 5 years, with an advantage for intermediate-risk patients (p= 0.019).
Conclusions: Pediatric acute lymphoid leukemia has provided a model for improving survival among cancer patients through progressive improvements in the efficacy of chemotherapy regimens.
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