Background of application of cell therapy as a health technology in medical and stomatological diseases
cell therapy, healthcare technology, hematopoietic stem cells, platelets, growth factorsAbstract
Introduction: During the last decades of the 20th century, cell therapy has been used in Cuba as a healthcare technology for alternative treatment of diseases.
Objective: To characterize the background of cell therapy application as a healthcare technology in medical and stomatological diseases.
Method: Seventy-two articles published between the years 2000 and 2022 from databases such as Scielo, Science Direct, Medline, and Pubmed were reviewed.
Analysis and synthesis of information: The utilization of cell therapy is linked to studies conducted on cells. There are three milestones: In 1838, the cell theory was postulated by Mathias Schleiden and Theodor Schwaan; in 1916, the first publication by Danchakoff to use the term "stem cell"; and in the early 2000s, regenerative medicine emerged as a distinct area within medical knowledge. Three stages were characterized: the first stage (1838-1915), the second stage (1916-1999), and the third stage (2000-Present), focusing on the development of new scientific evidence regarding the regenerative mechanisms of hematopoietic cells, platelets, and growth factors.
Conclusions: The conducted analysis enables the understanding of the origin, development, and current status of cell therapy application as a healthcare technology. This should have a transformative nature, integrating and enhancing contributions from basic, clinical, and surgical sciences to promote its widespread use as an alternative therapeutic approach in medical and stomatological diseases.
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La Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia se encuentra bajo una
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