Quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis treated with autologous platelet lysate


  • Rosa Julia Robinson Rodríguez Universidad de Ciencias Medicas, Santiago de Cuba
  • Anadely Gámez Pérez Hospital General Docente Comandante Pinares, San Cristóbal, Artemisa
  • Niurka Aurora Ali Perez Banco de Sangre Provincial Renato Guitart Rosell, Santiago de Cuba
  • Jorge Tulio Moreno Navarro Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso”, Santiago de Cuba
  • Reina Mercedes Alvares Robinson Policlínica Carlos J Finlay, Santiago de Cuba
  • Elio Zaldívar Álvarez Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso”, Santiago de Cuba


quality of life, Short Form 36 Health Survey, osteoarthritis, platelet lysate


Introduction: Knee osteoarthritis is characterized by the decrease or loss of articular cartilage, pain, inflammation, stiffness, deformity and different degrees of disability, which produce loss of self-esteem and independence, up to the inability to carry out activities of daily living, which leads a profound reduction in health-related quality of life.

Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness to improve the perception of quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis treated with autologous platelet smoothing.

Method: A quasi-experimental study of therapeutic intervention was carried out for one year on 30 adult patients with knee osteoarthritis to whom platelet lysode therapy was applied, in the period from January 2014 to December 2018, at the General Hospital “Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso”, Santiago de Cuba. To evaluate quality of life, the Short Form 36 Health Survey was used before and one year after therapy and the non-parametric Wilcoxon test was used to compare two paired samples.

Results: The group between 50-59 years old predominated. The studied population increased the quality of life after one year with the application of the triple autologous platelet implant therapy, supported by the statistical test with 95% reliability, of the studied group 24 patients improved.

Conclusions: an improvement in the quality of life was achieved in the patients, one year after the therapeutic intervention with autologous platelet lysate.


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Author Biography

Niurka Aurora Ali Perez, Banco de Sangre Provincial Renato Guitart Rosell, Santiago de Cuba

Medicina Regenerativa



How to Cite

Robinson Rodríguez RJ, Gámez Pérez A, Ali Perez NA, Moreno Navarro JT, Alvares Robinson RM, Zaldívar Álvarez E. Quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis treated with autologous platelet lysate. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];40. Available from: https://revhematologia.sld.cu/index.php/hih/article/view/1970

