Stem cells in endodontic practices
stem cells, stromal cells, regeneration pulp, self-renewal pulpAbstract
Introduction: Currently, bioengineering has advanced as much as other sciences, developing regeneration techniques at pulp level with stem cells obtained from different parts of the human body such as: deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament, dental papilla, among others. As background, it is mentioned that this process is very beneficial for the patient, avoiding invasive treatment and improving endodontic recovery.
Objective: To analyze the importance of taking advantage of the benefits of stem cells in endodontic processes as an effective technique for the improvement of patients' oral health.
Methods: An exploratory, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. It based on hermeneutics to interpret the systematic review carried out with the PRISMA 2020 methodology on the use of the advantages of stem cells in endodontic processes as an effective technique for the improvement of patients' oral health. It was an and retrospective research. Twenty-two articles were reviewed in the Scielo, Elsevier, Google Scholar and Pubmed databases in English and Spanish, from the last seven years. The contribution to science of the use of stem cells according to their origin was determined and the impact of this type of regenerative treatment in endodontic procedures was analyzed.
Conclusion: Professional practice in dentistry continues to be of interest and evolves with the different advances in science to seek new regenerative alternatives in fields such as endodontics.
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