Platelet-rich fibrin in regenerative endodontics
platelet-rich fibrin, endodontics, blood plasma, regenerative medicine, PRISMA 2020Abstract
Introduction: Platelet -rich fibrin (PRF) is a biomaterial derived from blood plasma that has gained considerable attention in the field of regenerative medicine and dentistry in particular.
Objective: To evaluate the use of platelet -rich fibrin in regenerative endodontics.
Methods: A descriptive, observational and transverse study was carried out in which the 2020 prism methodology was used. The search focused on the bases of Scielo, Pubmed, Scopus, as well as documents and websites that contributed to the theoretical construct of the investigation from the year 2013 until 2023.
Results: Regenerative endodontics, such as the new field within dentistry, aims to restore the tissues of damaged or infected tooth pulp and promote the regeneration of dentin, root structures and surrounding tissues. In addition, it seeks to provide an alternative treatment for immature teeth with open apexes or teeth with pulp necrosis and periapical lesions. Platelet rich fibrin is a concentrate of platelets and growth factors obtained from the patient's blood and is a relevant technique in regenerative medicine and dentistry due to its potential to accelerate the healing and regeneration of tissues.
Conclusions: Regenerative endodontics with the use of platelet -rich fibrin creates a matrix that supports migration and differentiation of stem cells, which are essential for tissue regenerationDownloads
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