Prevalence of hemophilia in six cuban provinces


  • Dunia Castillo-González Institute of Hematology and Immunology
  • Roberto Lardoeyt-Ferrer Center of National Genetics, Havana, Cuba
  • Delfina Almagro-Vázquez Institute of Hematology and Immunology
  • Rosa M Lam-Díaz Institute of Hematology and Immunology
  • Kalia Lavaut-Sánchez Institute of Hematology and Immunology
  • Adys Gutierrez-Díaz Institute of Hematology and Immunology
  • Mirtha Campo-Díaz Pepe Portilla” University Pediatrics Hospital, Pinar del Río,
  • Nereyda Alvarez-Vega Faustino Pérez” University Clinical & Surgical Hospital, Matanzas
  • Jorge Luis Salinas-González Medical Sciences University “Dr. Enrique Cabrera
  • Julio Fernández-Aguila Gustavo Aldereguía” University Clinical & Surgical Hospital, Cienfuegos
  • Olga Agramonte-Llanes Institute of Hematology and Immunology

Palabras clave:

haemophilia, epidemiology, prevalence, Cuba


Introduction: Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder; its incidence is almost constant in different populations. Since the 80th decade a multidisciplinary group for the care of patients with hemophilia was created at the Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología.  Nowadays a national comprehensive care program allows patients to receive a continuous monitoring and an effective treatment. Objective: To know prevalence of patients with hemophilia in Cuba.  Results: Data of 229 patients from 5 provinces and the special municipality Isla de la Juventud were included, which covered 58,71% of the total patients registered in Cuba. The information included demographic data, severity of hemophilia, presence of inhibitors and infection status for viral diseases. Hemophilia A patients were 188 (82.10 %) and 41 (17.90 %) with hemophilia B.   The disease was severe in 56.33 % of patients, moderate in 24 %, and mild in 19.70 %. Inhibitors were present in 17.03 % of the patients. Human immunodeficiency virus infection was present only in 0.87 % of patients and hepatitis C virus infection in 39.03 %. The mean age at diagnosis was 2.15 years. Conclusions: The general age-adjusted prevalence was 9.63 cases of hemophilia per 100 000 male and the main prevalence of patients was found in ages between 20 and 59 years.

Biografía del autor/a

Dunia Castillo-González, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

Especialista de II grado en Hematología. Profesor Asistente e Investigador Auxiliar. Jefe del Dpto. de Hemostasia del Instituto de Hematología e Inmnunología. . Secretaria del Consejo Científico. Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Cubana de Hematología. Máster en Genética Médica. Representante de Cuba en el Grupo Latinoamericano de Hemostasia y Trombosis. Cordinadora del Programa Nacional de Atención Integral al paciente hemofílico.

Roberto Lardoeyt-Ferrer, Center of National Genetics, Havana, Cuba

PhD, 2nd grade Genetic Specialty, titular professor and researcher

Delfina Almagro-Vázquez, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

PhD, 2nd grade Hematology Specialty, titular professor and researcher

Rosa M Lam-Díaz, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

1st grade Biostatistical Specialty

Kalia Lavaut-Sánchez, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

1st grade Genetic Specialty

Adys Gutierrez-Díaz, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

1st grade Hematology Specialty, Instructor professor

Mirtha Campo-Díaz, Pepe Portilla” University Pediatrics Hospital, Pinar del Río,

MsC, 2nd grade Hematology Specialty, auxiliary professor

Nereyda Alvarez-Vega, Faustino Pérez” University Clinical & Surgical Hospital, Matanzas

MsC, 1st grade Hematology Specialty, Instructor professor

Jorge Luis Salinas-González, Medical Sciences University “Dr. Enrique Cabrera

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Bachelor, Assistant professor,

Julio Fernández-Aguila, Gustavo Aldereguía” University Clinical & Surgical Hospital, Cienfuegos

2nd grade Hematology Specialty, assistant professor,

Olga Agramonte-Llanes, Institute of Hematology and Immunology

1st grade Hematology Specialty, auxiliary professor.




Cómo citar

Castillo-González D, Lardoeyt-Ferrer R, Almagro-Vázquez D, Lam-Díaz RM, Lavaut-Sánchez K, Gutierrez-Díaz A, et al. Prevalence of hemophilia in six cuban provinces. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [Internet]. 5 de diciembre de 2013 [citado 20 de febrero de 2025];30(2). Disponible en:



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